

This half term, the children taking part in our VEX robotics club participated in a tournament hosted by Nissan. The tournament involved 20 local primary schools who took their own robots to compete in driving skills challenges. Our team appropriately named themselves ‘The Green Machine’, and compet


Throughout the half-term, Year 6 have been learning various gymnastics moves and this week they put them all together to create a routine set to the music from ‘Thriller.’ The children have been taught how to keep their body rigid and help in a balance for five seconds; how to perform various rolls;


This week Nursery have been on a journey to China to celebrate the Chinese New Year. We have learnt all about the celebration of ‘Chinese New Year’ and explored their culture, looking at how it id different and similar to our own New Years celebration. We found that this year is the year of the Drag


This week, the children have been investigating shade and colour combinations.  Earlier in the week, the children were introduced to an artist called John Dyer, who they will be basing their final piece on. The children have also been investigating how to change the shade of a colour using white an


This term in PE, Year Two have been developing their gymnastic skills. They have explored lots of different ways to move their bodies, including jumps and rolls, as well as practising a range of balances. First, the children explored travelling using different stepping movements. They started by lea


Over the next two weeks, we are developing and perfecting our sewing skills by designing and creating our hand puppets. The children began by researching different types of puppets, watching videos and demonstrations of hand, rod, shadow and string/marionette puppets.  We have this week created our


In Art this term, the children explored the vast array of colours they are able to make from the 3 primary colours and learned about secondary and tertiary colours in order to create their own colour wheels. The boys and girls also identified how adding white and black can change the tint of a colou