All this term, children across school have been learning about British birds in their Forest School sessions, this is linked to the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. The children have become very good at recognising the different types, where they might expect to see them and how to tell some of the diff
Year 6 have been exploring different styles of portraits in the last couple of weeks. The children have learnt about how Picasso used a Cubist style, that was abstract and produced as if from different angles and using geometric shapes. They have contrasted this with Realism and the concept of wheth
Everyone was very excited to go on their very first trip in Year One. The children have been learning all about Christian churches. They have learnt what happens in a church and features of a church both inside and outside. Today, we all walked down to St. Ninian’s church in Low Fell. We enjoyed
For the past two weeks, the children have been planning for and writing a newspaper article in English. As part of our sentence stackers, the children have been looking at and learning about broken speech. After learning about the rules regarding punctuation and the position of the reporting claus
The children and residents started putting last weeks garden plan into action today by potting up some seeds. First they went into the garden to collect some shale to put in the bottom of the pots for drainage. They then decorated their pots. We are testing out a new soil mix so it will be interest
Year One have been so excited to use laptops this term. It all started with the children learning the different parts of a laptop computer and a desktop computer – screen, keyboard, trackpad/mouse. Then the children were taught how to log onto a laptop computer, and then onto Purple Mash. Next, we
This week, Year Two had a visitor from Newcastle Central Mosque. They learned lots of facts about Islam, including how Muslim babies are welcomed into the world and what happens at a Muslim wedding. To begin, the children learned about aqiqah – a naming ceremony that takes place when a baby is sev
In Nursery this week, we have been exploring modes of transport. We started the week by reading ‘You Cant take an elephant on the Bus’, and discussed types of transport we knew. We shared pictures on Tapestry of ourselves on different modes of transport, such as aeroplanes, ferrys, bikes and trains.
This week, the boys and girls have been learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. At first, they used counters and a place value chart to support their understanding. We then looked at how we can use the counters to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with exchange. Th
Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed their Geography topic this half term, all about mountains. They have learnt about how the structure of the Earth affects its features. Using pieces of paper, they demonstrated how the Earth’s tectonic plates can move in different ways to create mountains and volcanoes,