

This Thursday, Harlow Green’s ‘Green Machine’ took part in a regional VEX IQ Robotics tournament. Our team of seven children from year six and year five, demonstrated their skills in engineering, teamwork, cooperation and perseverance, alongside eighteen other teams from schools across the North Eas


This week Nursery have been learning about the festival of Lunar New Year. We have enjoyed learning all about the lunar festival and how it is celebrated around the world. We had lots of fun taking part in different crafts and activities within the classroom such as; making red lanterns with out sci


This week Nursery have been on an adventure to Space! We have continued our topic for the Spring Term, Rhyme Time, and have been on a trip to space. We have enjoyed learning all about different planets, aliens and rockets. We looked at a variety of images of rockets and noticed that they are all mad


In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about life in rural Uganda. They have compared their lives to children living in this part of world, identifying similarities and differences at home and in school. To begin, the children learned about rural and urban areas. They sorted pictures to show


On Tuesday, Year 5 took part in World Religion Day.  Across the day, the children in Year 5 learnt about Sikhism. We started our day looking at the Ten Guru’s of Sikhism, focusing more closely on Guru Nanak. The children learnt about the story of Guru Nanak and the Boulder. This story teaches an im


Year 4 have enjoyed the start of their Geography topic this half term, all about mountains. To begin with, we have learned about how the structure of the Earth affects its features. Using pieces of paper, they demonstrated how the Earth’s tectonic plates can move in different ways to create mounta


In History, Year 3 have been learning about life through the ages. First, they were introduced to the term ‘prehistory’ meaning the period of time before written records. They then began by exploring the Stone Age. Initially, the children became archaeologists and using images, discussed a range of


In order to celebrate World Religion Day, Year Six joined the rest of the school in learning about the religion of Sikhi. This morning, each class attended a Bhangra dance workshop in the hall and enjoyed dressing up and learning routines which included hand movements, leg movements and even spins!