Over this half-term, the children have continued to study ‘The Piano.’ This animation has allowed the children to think about how a flashback narrative would be constructed as the story involves a man playing the piano and drifting back to memories from his past life. They looked at different senten
This term, Year Two have been learning all about food chains in Science. The children learned that a food chain shows what eats what in a habitat. Did you know, the arrows used in a food chain show the direction of energy or what is eaten by who? The boys and girls focused on three different habitat
This term in Computing we have been learning about how to edit images and how the media can alter an image so that what we see online and in newspapers and magazines is often not what it originally was! Using Paint.net, we have been learning to crop an image, alter the colours and mood of a picture,
This morning, children from Reception to Year Six were treated to a special Christmas music workshop thanks to staff from Gateshead Music Service. We all entered into the festive spirit with a school singalong of several festive classic including ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’.
Reading is one of the key skills that children learn in primary school and at Harlow Green we are committed to giving the children the tools to be able to read fluently and with good comprehension skills. We provide many opportunities daily for children to immerse themselves in books and text – and
As Christmas draws ever closer, the number of children’s books that are available in shops increases. It’s always lovely to hear the children talking about the books that they want for Christmas and we look forward to the children sharing a book after the holidays. On the cold, winter nights, there
The Harlow Green Choir were magnificent in their first Christmas performance, held at Angel Court residential home. The residents have been talking about this for weeks, they look forward to it every year and the day was finally here. Song, laughter and friendships, a beautiful way to celebrate toge
We may have been experiencing torrential rain but this recent deluge doesn’t put the children off getting outside. They took the opportunity to practice making lashings, whilst giving the water-sodden Forest School some respite from the trample of feet. Lashings are used to join together poles or sp
Like at London’s West End, the stage is set for a full week of performances! We are all looking forward to parents and carers attending over the next few days and watching our little stars show off their developing theatrical talents – and disguise the odd mistake! See you all soon for LIGHTS, CAM
This week, reception have been busy rehersing for our Christmas play that we are looking forward to presenting to our parents and grandparents next week. On Wednesday, we enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner at lunch time. The children also had fun following their own interests in the classroom