In PSHE this week Year Two have been thinking about goals and aspirations. They started by identifying that an aspiration is a wider general achievement, whereas a goal is a smaller step towards that achievement. The children then thought carefully about what their goals are. First, they talked ab
This week we have posted our letters to Santa! We started our week reading a story about a little girl who wrote a letter to Santa and was hoping for a reply. We decided to write our own letters and thought about the things we might like Santa to bring us on Christmas Eve. The children tried hard to
This week we had a representative in from Tyne and Wear Fire Brigade to talk to us about fire safety at home. We learned about the risks we have by spotting hazards in the kitchen and in our bedrooms, and then also about how we can make sure our homes are safer such as turning off chargers and not o
In Geography, we have been learning about coastlines and water erosion. The children have learned about the features of a coast and have enjoyed looking at aerial images on Google Earth to identify these features. We explored coastlines in the United Kingdom, in particular coasts close to us and com
This week in Maths, the children in Year 1 have been learning about 3D shapes. We started by learning the name of some 3D shapes – sphere, cube, cuboid, cylinder, pyramid and cone. We discussed what shape their faces were and we even learnt that a sphere and a cylinder can roll. Next everyone ha
This week in DT, the children in Year 6 have made a working Morse Code transmitter. To begin with, the children completed research to learn what a Morse Code transmitter was and what it was used for. They then designed their product, thinking about the casing pattern and net. The children remembered
The Christmas feeling was definitely in the air after today’s school Christmas lunch which was an absolute delight! Our children and staff had a wonderful time sharing a delicious meal together, accompanied by cheerful Christmas tunes and adorned in festive jumpers. It was a heart-warming experience
It’s the beginning of Christmas in Reception. This week, Reception have been getting ready for Christmas with the most important job, writing a letter to Santa. We started the week by discussing all of the marvellous things Santa might bring us, then we wrote him a letter. As we did not know what
In DT, Year 2 have been making toy fire engines. Their design brief was to create a toy fire engine with a winding mechanism and wheels that turned on an axle. To begin their research, the children learned about an incredible inventor named George William Manby. Did you know he invented the fire ext
Nursery and Reception have learned a lot about nature already this term. From spikes and stings and sticky things, to mini-beasts and insects. We’ve even watched a battle between a centipede and an earth-worm. This week we have been looking at Fungi. In class we shared some facts about the differe