The snow makes everything look beautiful, but for many of the older people in our community they can feel isolated and trapped inside. They were thrilled therefore to see the children who came and gritted their garden so residents can still get outside if they want to. The sun was shining as the c
This week Year One have enjoyed learning about different kinds of weather. The children began by watching videos of sun, snow, wind, rain, fog and clouds, and imagining how they would feel if they were to experience each kind of weather. The children then came up with different actions to help the
This half term, we have continued to look at forces in Science. We are exploring how different mechanisms can be used to help reduce the effort needed to move a load. The children have started off by exploring how the effects of water resistance on different shapes. We dropped a triangular, circular
This week, the children have started to look at an animation called ‘The Piano.’ In this animation, an elderly gentleman is playing the piano and he flashes back to key moments in his life including the death of his wife; a comrade being shot in the war; and receiving a present as a young child. The
Year 4 and Year 5 enjoyed a full lunch play in the snow today in glorious winter sunshine! Although the snow was not the easiest to compact, the children were up for the challenge of making snowmen or sculptures, working collaboratively with classmates to do so. Everyone was proud of what they were
In our Art block, we are learning about sketching and shading, mark marking and using lines and shapes within drawing. We will then look at linear effects in art, focusing on the artist John Brunsdon who used printing and linear effects to create landscapes. It’s very relaxing and the children alw
This week in Nursery, we have been reading the story Stick Man. The children loved joining in with the repeated refrain throughout and were very happy that Stick Man returned to his family, with the help of Santa, at the end of the story. As part of our topic, Little Bear and Me, the children explor
The Year 3 children were very excited when they saw the snow today. They were eager to get outside and build snowmen. All the children worked together to build their snowmen and were extremely proud of their creations. We are hoping the snow stays a little longer. Article 31 – We all have the righ
This half term, a small group of children have been taking part in an afterschool club where they will build, programme and drive a robot. The Reece Foundation have provided our school with a free competition kit with the prerequisite to take part in a regional competition hosted by Nissan. With the
Year Two have been learning about dance in their PE lessons. They have explored how they can move their bodies in different ways, with control, to represent different characters. First, the children learned that music is counted in beats of 8. They practised doing this in time with the music they wo