In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about photography. To begin, the children looked at a range of devices. With their partner, they decided which devices could be used to take a photo and which couldn’t. Next, the boys and girls learned how to take a good quality photograph. They had to
In Reception, we have taken part in a range of activities for Children in Need. First, we talked about children in need and discussed why we raise money. Then, we watched Joe Wicks and completed his ‘Bearpees’ challenge which was very exciting. Lastly, we created our own Pudsey bear masks and pr
For the past two weeks in maths, Year Six have been learning about fractions. To begin with, the children realised that they needed to use their knowledge of multiples and factors in order to find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions. The children went on to learn how to convert mixed numbers
This week started off with Odd Sock Day to highlight that, although everyone is different, we can all live and play together harmoniously. We then moved on to Road Safety with the children going out and using the road markings on the yard to learn about crossing the road safely. We did emphasize tha
This week Year One have been introduced to a new subject – design and technology. First we investigated how toys could move . We discovered that some toys need to be wound up – like our toy caterpillars. The children also learnt that some toys with wheels needed to be pulled backwards firs
In our Science block, the children have been learning about different types of rocks and how they are formed. The children have identified three types of natural rock: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. We have explored how each rock is formed and the children were excited to learn that igneous
This half term, year 4 are using a new text as a stimulus for their work in English. To launch the text, they were given the mission to be Histronauts for the afternoon. This involved travelling back in time to visit a Viking settlement to learn about their way of life. The children needed artefacts
Reception had some special visitors this morning, great eggcitement as they welcomed our new hens into class. Lots of the children saw the chicks during hatching so they were really interested to see how much they’d grown. They were surprised by how big they are now despite being only 4 months old.
During their Forest School sessions, Year 4 have been thinking about how to construct with survival in mind. They needed to think of the potential risks associated with surviving outside, particularly if it was over night. We discussed what effects being exposed to the elements can have on the human
Today, we marked the start of Anti-Bullying week by wearing odd socks to school. Odd Sock day is a day when schools, workplaces, and individuals join together to show that it’s okay to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination. Odd Socks day is designed to be fun! It