

During our design and technology lessons this week, the children in Year 3 have been learning about Stone Age food. They have researched how people during the Stone Age were known as ‘hunter gatherers’ and they have created their own menu ideas. To create our Stone Age recipes, the children used


This half-term, the children in Year 6 have been studying the book ‘Skellig’ by David Almond. They have thoroughly enjoyed the book and have been excited to find out exactly what ‘Skellig’ was and what would happen to the baby in the story. During their studies, it came to light that Leanne Billingh


This week the children have focused on princesses, princes, Valentine’s Day and weddings in Nursery. The children started this week by listening to a story called ‘Guess how much I love you’ and discussing who they love, a special thing they like to do with their loved one and different ways t


In French this half term, Year 5 have been learning all about the date. The children began by singing the days of the week in French to help the tune and lyrics stick in their minds. They then went on to months of the year and also recapped their numbers in order to write the date. Once the children


Everyone was very excited to go on their very first trip in Year One.   The children have been learning all about Christian churches. They have learnt what happens in a church and features of a church both inside and outside. On Wednesday we all walked down to St. Ninian’s church in Low Fell. We


This week, in Computing, we have celebrated Safer Internet Day. We learnt what the day is for and the different way we can support it. As a class we looked at the amazing things the internet can provide us with. However, we also explored the dangers and fear that can come with using the internet. Th