

Over the past couple of weeks, the children in Year 3 have learnt about digital devices and how they need an input, a process, and an output. This week, the children have been learning about the advantages and disadvantages of digital devices. We explored the idea of drawing on paper and drawing on


This half term in Science, the children have been learning about their ears and how they hear. This week, we looked at ways to absorb soundwaves which will make sound quieter.  We used cups and a variety of materials and rated how clearly we could hear a sound through the various materials. We have


The new year has seen children taking initial assessments in Accelerated Reader and Reading Plus. This provides them with a level to begin their reading journey from for this academic year. The children are then able to access these programmes in school, but, perhaps more importantly, with your supp


This week in PSHE, we have been learning about why it is important to have equal right. The children looked at the work that UNICEF do around the would to support children from a range of different backgrounds. Afterwards, the children worked in groups to create a children’s rights charter, where th


In Science, Year Two have been learning all about animals and their habitats. They learned that a habitat is where an animal or a plant lives. To begin, the children worked in groups to sort different animals into the correct habitat before completing a similar activity in their books. Next, the boy