

All of the teachers have been impressed with the fact recall in Year One. Following on from learning about one more last week, this week we have focused our learning on one less. The week started with some counting backwards. We are learning to count backwards starting from any number under 10. Why


Phew! We have had such a busy time but it’s been great. The children could bring their special things in to talk about and it was lovely to hear all about what they valued and why. On Tuesday, we all went hunting for conkers and we found lots, nearly two small buckets full. The children have had gre


Over the last couple of weeks, we have been studying the history part of our topic focusing on World War Two. To begin our learning, the children considered the causes of the war and were surprised to learn that there were several different causes not just Hitler and Germany. After this, the childre


Over the past two weeks, the children have been exploring the Ancient Egyptians and learning about some of the advances they made. First, we started with an introduction to the Ancient Egyptians and the children became archaeologists and studied different artefacts and images to piece together who t


The new Year 4 Tennis Club has begun training today, and what a start the children made! After a quick chat about the aims of the club, we were quickly into a warm up to get the heart pumping and the blood flowing. The rackets were then introduced where the the vocabulary was developed to help instr


Mrs Softley – Assistant Head teacher, SENDCo, Mental Health Lead My name is Mrs Softley and I am delighted to introduce myself as the new Assistant Head Teacher, Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) and Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead for Harlow Green Community Prim


This week, Year 4 enjoyed a workshop with Bjorn, our visiting Viking, during which we learned about their weaponry, battle formations, how they debated and made decisions and also about some artefacts and traditional Viking games. Over the day, the children had the opportunity to hear about the Viki


This year sees the launch of fountain and calligraphy pens in Year 6. Throughout school, once children have mastered a neat and fluent style of joined writing, they are rewarded with a pen licence. For some children, this can take longer than others, but it is something that we know all  children c