

Everyone in Year One was excited to start their new topic of Houses and Homes. We started off the week by looking at photos and pictures of different kinds of houses. The children loved showing their class photos of their house and we learnt the names of different kinds of houses – detached, semi-de


This week the children have been on a winter walk and identified the different things they may see in winter i.e. lots of bare trees and frost. They have also discussed what they have to wear in winter to stay warm and the different weathers that happen over winter. The children also discussed how t


This week, the children have been investigating the life cycles of mammals (humans), birds and amphibians (frogs). We have looked at what happens at the different stages of each life cycle and compared the life cycles of different types of animals. The children found the life cycles of frogs especia


Our English reader this term is The Princess and the Pea.  We began by playing a memory game where we looked at different objects to help us predict what the story was going to be about. The pupils looked at a princess, a prince, a crown, a castle, a pea and a bed. The children used these clues to


This term during all of our Forest School sessions we will be learning about birds and taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. You can join in the survey at home too with the Big Garden Birdwatch. The first week back has seen some predictably wild January weather, so with this in mind the sess


To launch our new text for English, the children examined some clues: a bone and tooth necklace,  a flint spear head and an image of cave paintings. They predicted that the text related to the Stone Age, and they shared any facts they knew about this period. They then made their own Stone Age neckl


The children in Year 6 have returned to school full of energy and have been working extremely hard in all of their sessions. This week, In P.E. they were pushed tot heir limits in a circuit challenge. The children had 15 different exercises to complete from mountain climbers to burpees and they had


We started our Science topic this week – all about animals and how to classify them into different groups.  We never knew there were so many different categories and had some fantastic debates about what category animals would fit in to, and those that don’t quite fit.  For example, is a penguin a


In English, Year Two have started reading their new book – Into the Forest, by Anthony Browne. First, the children looked at the front cover of the book in more detail. They noticed small pictures among the leaves and trees, including a frog, an apple and a tall tower. Once they had identified each