Year 4 enjoyed a fused glass workshop in conjunction The Sunderland Glass Centre, creating tiles to represent The Angel of the North. All the children worked in teams to create part of a mosaic of tiles that will fit together to make The Angel of the North. This is part of our Art topic all about
This week in Nursery we started our new topic for the Spring term, Rhyme Time. We will be covering lots of mini topics which have a link to nursery rhymes. This week we learned all about birds and have started to take part in the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch. We started the week talking about differen
This week, the children investigated clues to find out their new English read. The children were brought down to the hall where a variety of clues had been laid out. These included what appeared to be broken plane windows, an S.O.S sign, the Brazilian flag and a newspaper article with information
In one of our Maths lessons this week, we set the children a challenge. The children had to investigate different combinations of numbers to make 10. They were given some red counters, some blue counters and some yellow counters. They used the counters to make different combinations on a tens fram
In English, Year Two have started to read their new class text – Hansel and Gretel. For their book launch, the children made a gingerbread house. They painted half a paper plate brown before adding more detail to their work. The children were given a door, windows and chimney to ensure their cottage
Reception have enjoyed the winter weather this week. We have taken advantage of the cold weather by exploring the outdoor area. We did a winter walk around the school grounds, into the forest area, across the frosty grass and over to the pond. The children were astonished to find that the pond was c
This term in our Forest School we will be taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. All classes will be involved in this in some way. This week we revisited how we identify birds. Below you can see some of the Year 2 children playing a bird identification game, this helps with their observation
This week in English, the boys and girls were keen to find out their new class text. They began by eagerly discussing the clues – a necklace, a sharp piece of rock and images of cave paintings. They predicted the shapes on the necklace were bones and teeth. They then used their listening skills to
The weather when we cam back this week was cold and frosty, but that didn’t stop Year 6 having an outdoor English lesson that saw them putting some of their forest school skills to good use. This half-term, the children are studying the book ‘Skellig’ by David Almond in their English lessons. To lau
This term in Science we focus on living organisms and their characteristics. The first lesson is always around the characteristics of all living things, like nutrition, growth and respiration, and then we move on to look at ways to classify organisms. These can include characteristics like can fly,