

Today we had so much fun taking part in our sports day races and dressing up in safari themed clothing to toddle around the field to raise money for a charity called Barnardo’s. We ended the morning with a well deserved picnic in the Nursery garden. Well done to everyone who participated and a massi


In DT, Year Two have been making bunting. To begin the children learned that bunting is a decoration made up of rows of small, colourful flags. They found out that bunting has been used to celebrate lots of significant events, past and present, including VE Day and Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubi


Across this term, Year 5 have been investigating programming in Scratch. Previously, the children set conditions using ‘IF, THEN, ELSE’ functions and used different true or false outcomes such as changing the colour of a sprite, changing the background and changing the size of different characters.


Year 6 have been very busy over the last week with lots of preparations being made for their Leaver’s Show. In-between this, they have been doing some art work where they have been looking at the sculptors Henry Moore and Giacometti and the work they produced. The children enjoyed giving names to th


The biggest win of the day was against the weather, with Harlow Green coming out as champions!  After the problems of the previous day, we were basked in warm sunshine which allowed the children, from across KS1 and KS2, the opportunity to take part in a wider variety of sports events.  Thanks to


This week Year One have been practising their artistic talents. Closely linked to our theme, “We’re all going on a summer holiday”, the pupils have been observing, drawing and sculpting shells. Firstly, we investigated patterns on a variety of shells and sketched them using pencils. The children tri