

This week Year One have had fun discovering how to measure time and how to tell the time.  Initially we practised using the terms before and after and discussed activities that we do before school such as having our breakfast and activities we do after school such as reading a bed time story.  Aft


In Religious Education, Year Two have been learning about the Islamic celebrations of Ramadan and Eid. First the children found out that Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, which is based on the moon. During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to dusk. The boys and girls compared this to


In our Art topic this term, the children in Year 3 have been learning about the artist Julia Lidell. She is a textile artist who produces woven designs. They commented on her designs and identified how her work made them feel. In order to replicate her artistic style, the boys and girls designed a f


This week in Nursery the children have focused on life cycles. The children started this week by listening to a story called ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. The children then discussed what happened during the story and created a story map, which was used to help them recall the key events in the


Reception have continued their topic ‘Explorers Outdoors’ by looking at minibeasts. We began by reading ‘Mad about Minibeasts’ by Giles Andreae and tried to guess which minibeast was being described. They then looked at artwork ‘The Snail, by Henri Matisse and had a go at creating their own collage


This week, the children in Year 5 had the opportunity to make some (not so tasty) alien soup as an end to our Science unit. Prior to the lesson, the children had learnt about dissolving substances and evaporation. This week, the children were introduced to the concept of separating mixed materials.


In English, Year Two have been reading The Snail and the Whale written by Julia Donaldson. For their book launch, the children went on a hunt around the school grounds and followed clues which led them closer to their new book. Each clue was written as a rhyme and revealed the location of the next o