

The children have been working extremely hard during our Multiplication and Division block in Maths. They have been learning how to make equal groups and arrays and have started to use the mathematical vocabulary: factor, product, multiplicand and multiplier.  This week the children have been learn


This week was the first time Year One had a Geography lesson. We talked about where we live. Some children said that they lived in Gateshead whilst others were able to say their address. The children learnt that we all live in a country called England. We found it on a globe and realised that Englan


In D.T. over the last week, the year 6 children have designed and made a working Morse Code transmitter. To begin with, the children had to learn what a Morse Code transmitter was used for. Following this, they designed their product. The children could remember how to create a circuit using their k


This week, Gail from Skipping School spent time with us, helping the children from Years 3-6 develop some skipping techniques.  This is part of a wider scheme in school to get more children skipping as part of our commitment to 60 active minutes a day, supporting children in their development of fi


This week we have started our DT topic ‘The Rail Project’. The aim of this project is that we will create an electrical moving train from scratch! We began the week looking at George Stephenson and his amazing impact on the history of railways and explored his revolutionary invention ‘The Rock


In History, Year Two have been learning all about The Great Fire of Gateshead. After their visit to St Mary’s Heritage Centre, the children had lots of knowledge about how and where the fire started. First, the children sequenced the events that took place on 6th October 1854. Did you know, the firs