Despite the rain, Year 6 have been out enjoying their activities. The first group played a very competitive game of archery tag with some fierce and accurate shooting from both sides.
The other groups have done a nightlife activity where they had to trust each other and work together.
Our first evening activity completing a scavenger hunt! Some children’s understanding of things that were flat, slimy and twisted left a lot to be desired.
The final groups did a river adventure walk. There was lots of slipping an sliding, but they loved it!
The third group enjoyed a game of archery tag which was all about tactics and working as a team.
The second group went Rock-climbing for their first activity. They travelled on the minibus into the hills and worked together to climb up the rock face.
we have arrived safely, had dinner and the children have done their first activity. Here are our first set of photos showing the group on the high ropes course.
Plenty to do this week at Angel Court, firstly weeding some of the flower beds. Despite soaking the ground the night before, it was dry and hard which made tough going but with perseverance they got the job done. This is work the residents simply can’t do without help, they were very pleased and now
This week in Nursery the children have focused on Summer. The children have discovered that Summer officially starts on Wednesday 21st June and that in the Summer the weather is usually warmer and sunnier and lots of people go on holidays, which is something we will focus on within the next few week
On Monday, Reception went on their first school trip to Hall Hill Farm. They had a full day packed with lots of exciting activities. First, we held chicks, guinea pigs and bunnies followed by looking a the pigs and piglets in their pen. We met and fed lots of animals on the farm including goats, she