Today, Year Two visited the Centre for Life. They explored lots of zones and even watched a theatre show. In the Play Zone, the children had the opportunity to look at the giant globe in the entrance. Some of the children chose to draw pictures and add them to the picture gallery. They loved getting
On Monday, Year 5 were introduced to their new English read, ‘The Island’ by Armin Greder. To launch our new book, the children were ask to draw, write and annotate any ideas that came to mind after hearing the word ‘island’. After five minutes, the children shared their ideas which consisted of dra
In Science, the children in Year 6 have been learning about ‘Evolution and Inheritance’ in their Science work. To begin their learning, the children looked at characteristics that can be inherited from a parent and those that are acquired. There was lots of debate had about this! The children th
In Forest School sessions this week we have been focusing on the changes in nature as the Summer season unfolds. The children were shown how to pick from living plants and trees without causing lasting damage. Then they used the things they had collected to create images. The younger children mostly
This week Year One have been plant investigators. We learnt that fruit grows from seeds. We dissected different kinds of fruit – peppers, tomatoes, apples, kiwis and pomegranates, and discovered that they contained seeds. The children used their excellent observational skills to firstly locate the s
In English this week, we have launched our new text ‘Until I Met Dudley’. It is very different to any of our previous texts, as it is part fiction and part fact. It tells the story of a girl who has very unusual ideas about how everyday objects work, but then meets a dog called Dudley who explains h
The school has three easy to remember rules: READY, RESPECTFUL and SAFE. In recognition of those who have been following these rules to a high degree, on a daily basis, as well as trying their very best in all that they do, teachers nominate children to have time with Mr Malik where they can have
This week in Nursery the children have continued with their ‘under the sea’ topic. They started this week by listening to a story called ‘The Singing Mermaid’ and receiving a letter from Marissa the Mermaid. The mermaid challenged them to investigate which material (out of card, paper, bubbl
In Science, Year Two have been learning all about plants. They started by identifying the main parts of flowering plants and trees and identifying what the different parts of a plant do. Did you know that plants make their own food in their leaves? Next the children set up an investigation to find o
This week in maths, the children completed their unit on Position and Direction. The children have spent the week looking at lines of symmetry and how to reflect shapes across a mirror line. We explore the different lines of symmetry – vertical, horizontal and diagonal – and used the mirrors to help