

This week Year One have been plant investigators. We learnt that fruit grows from seeds. We dissected different kinds of fruit – peppers, tomatoes, apples, kiwis and pomegranates, and discovered that they contained seeds. The children used their excellent observational skills to firstly locate the s


In English this week, we have launched our new text ‘Until I Met Dudley’. It is very different to any of our previous texts, as it is part fiction and part fact. It tells the story of a girl who has very unusual ideas about how everyday objects work, but then meets a dog called Dudley who explains h


This week in Nursery the children have continued with their ‘under the sea’ topic. They started this week by listening to a story called ‘The Singing Mermaid’ and receiving a letter from Marissa the Mermaid. The mermaid challenged them to investigate which material (out of card, paper, bubbl


In Science, Year Two have been learning all about plants. They started by identifying the main parts of flowering plants and trees and identifying what the different parts of a plant do. Did you know that plants make their own food in their leaves? Next the children set up an investigation to find o


This week in maths, the children completed their unit on Position and Direction. The children have spent the week looking at lines of symmetry and how to reflect shapes across a mirror line. We explore the different lines of symmetry – vertical, horizontal and diagonal – and used the mirrors to help


This week in Reception, the children have enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a Frog. We started the week by reading ‘Growing Frogs’ by Vivian French and discussed how a frog changes in its different stages. The children have enjoyed reading facts about frogs and creating their own in the c


This week we have been studying design and technology.  It all started by investigating which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy, and sorting foods into a table.  The pupils all decided that fruit was a healthy option and we used this as a basis for our design for fruit kebabs.  Everyone p


Over the past couple of weeks, Year 6 have been looking at the invasion of the Romans in 43AD and how this left a lasting legacy on life in Britain. They have looked at the initial rebellion by Boudicca when the Romans took over, to the gradual acceptance of Roman ways and the influence they had ove