

Over the past two weeks, Year Six have been studying different sketching techniques in Art lessons. The children looked at how to represent texture, light and shadow, perspective, reflection and movement. First, they practised their skills by sketching a realistic apple and a scene where mountains a


In RE, Year 2 have been learning all about Christian weddings. They learned that a Christian is someone who believes in God and follows the teachings of Jesus. First, the children found out who takes part in a Christian wedding. As well as the bride and groom, there is a priest, a best man and, some


This week we have continued our topic learning under the theme “Little Bear and Me”. We started off the week by listening to a story called ‘Kipper’s Birthday’ and making, decorating and eating birthday cakes for Kipper by following a recipe. We had lots of fun wrapping presents, playing p


In partnership with Gateshead Council’s Road Safety Team, we were given the opportunity for six children to represent the school in a “Don’t Drink and Drive” World Cup campaign. The campaign was photographed beside the Angel of the North on Tuesday afternoon alongside Northumbria Police and Ty