This week, Year 5 have began to look at Islamic art during their art lessons. We have looked at examples of Islamic art to identify the three main components: floral motifs, geometric patterns and calligraphy. Then, the children were given different examples of Islamic art to choose from and were as
In Computing, Year 1 have started their new topic all about programming Bee-Bots. The children began by investigating what the different buttons could do. They were able to identify and use the forwards, backwards, right turn and left turn buttons. It was very tricky to remember that we needed to pr
The children have had a fun Friday morning. We have re-introduced the Maths game, 4 in a line which was also played during our Year 3 Maths workshop. It required the children to not only used their multiplication knowledge but they also had to think about their tactics of what multiplication calcula
Year 6 have today completed their SATs and have had an afternoon of cakes, ice-cream and fun to celebrate! The children have worked extremely hard, not only this wee, but in the build up to their tests, and have shown great determination to do the best that they can. the news and social media have b
The first task of the morning was to check if the wild flower seeds we sowed are starting to sprout. Difficult at this stage to see which are flowers and which are weeds, but nothing goes to waste as we’ll pick the weeds out and give them to the hens. The children were excited to see how quickly t
This week in Nursery our topic has been ‘under the sea’. They started this topic by receiving a bucket full of items linked to the seaside, such as suncream, a spade, a swimming costume, sunglasses, a sun hat, a fan and many more items. The children took it in turns to pick out an item at a time
Our celebration of nature continues at Angel Court. The children and residents used plants they had found in the garden to print with on a large collective piece of art. They could use paintbrushes and pens to add detail. Maisie doesn’t like getting her hands dirty so she directed proceedings. The
To celebrate the coronation of King Charles III, the children took part in a range of activities in school. Firstly, they learnt facts about the coronation ceremony and Charles’s life. Secondly, everyone made a crown which was worn whilst eating a lunch specially prepared by our cooks. The
In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about the world’s continents and oceans. The children learned that a continent is a large, solid area of land and there are seven continents in total. They thoroughly enjoyed learning some interesting facts about each continent, including the number of c
This week in Nursery the children have focused on the King’s coronation and London. They started this week by listening to a story called ‘The king’s crown’ and discussing who our King is, where our king lives and what happens at a coronation. The children then created their own crowns and b