

It has been a busy first few weeks back in school and it has been lovely to see the enthusiasm with which children have been engaged in reading. Over 100 new books were added to the Accelerated Reader programme and these have already been enjoyed and used by many children. More books will be added i


Every Thursday, children in Year 4 have the opportunity to attend Games Club after school with Mrs Jennings (and her son, Harry). The children all enjoy playing different board games such as Mastermind and Game of Life. One of the favourite games this week, which really brought out their competitive


The children in class 2B enjoy coming to Art Club on a Tuesday after school.  The pupils listened to the story ‘The Queen’s Knickers’ by Nicholas Allan and  designed their own pair of knickers for her majesty.  The boys and girls made their own crowns and then then they created their own po


Over the last two weeks, the children in Year 6 have been studying the history part of our topic learning about World War Two. To begin with, the children considered the causes of the war and were surprised to learn that there were several different causes not just Hitler and Germany. Even more surp


This half term we are working on gymnastics’ techniques and skills – starting with balancing using different parts of our body .  Firstly we worked with a partner to create a balance with a shape.  We tried to form squares, circles and triangles using parts of our body. Some of the children we


This week we had our first Forest school session with Miss Howe and Mrs Holt, which involved us learning our forest school rules to keep everybody safe and making slugs, snails and birds using clay. What great fun we had!  Principle 3: Forest School aims to promote the holistic development of all t


Our Nursery children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring our outside area to find Autumn treasures, such as pine cones, conkers, acorns and different colour leaves. Unfortunately, we did not see any real life squirrels but we did see some real life chickens and a real life fire! Article 28- We all hav


As the rain came down in torrents, some of our Year 5 children set up games in the Angel Court Community rooms. The residents heard the hullabaloo and came to join in the fun. It was a lovely afternoon, nice to have time to chat, Maisie sang songs from her childhood and reminisced about playing domi