

Nursery had a very busy morning, in class we looked at plants that may be a bit “risky”. Thistles, nettles, brambles etc. Miss Rowe showed the children which insects only live on these plants and why it’s so important we allow areas for these habitats to thrive. We watched a short film about all the


We started our new topic ‘Explorers outdoors’ this week, by reading the traditional tale, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. The children enjoyed having a go at writing their own simple versions of the story and also watched a video of a bean growing. The children learnt that seeds need water to begi


This week in Nursery the children have focused on minibeasts. They started this week by receiving a discovery sack containing items linked to minibeasts i.e. some small world minibeasts, sticks, leaves, a magnifying glass, a pair of binoculars and our minibeasts story of the week. The children then


This week, a group of children from Year 5 represented our school, at the rail project. This was part of the Design and Technology unit, from the Autumn Term. We competed against a number of other schools from the north east, three different round. First the children were interviewed by engineers ab


This week, in Science, Year 5 have been learning about space. Firstly, we looked at the eight planets in our solar system and learned a handy mnemonic to help us remember the names and order of the planets. Then, we found out some interesting facts about each one. Then, we learnt about why we have d


This week we started our new Science block – all about digestion.  There is a lot of technical vocabulary – from oesophagus to enzymes – and lots of new parts of the body we have learned about.  We followed the path of the food and drink we eat from the first bite, to swallowing, digesting and the


This week we have truly taken advantage of the warmer weather.  For our summer science topic we are learning about plants and firstly we learnt what a plant is.  We all went onto the field for a plant hunt.  The children found many different kinds of plant including bluebells, grass, daffodils, d


This week, we launched our new English text ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’. The book, by Phillip Pullman, is set in Indonesia and tells the story of a young girl’s journey to become a firework maker against her father’s will. Firstly, the children had to use the clues of a packet of sparklers and a


In English, Year Two have been learning all about Amelia Earhart. The children used the front cover of the story to predict why they thought Amelia was so important. Using the illustrations, they identified that she was a famous pilot. As part of their book launch, the boys and girls made their own