

Today we went on a trip to the IKSON Hindu Temple on Westgate Road.  The visit to the Mandir is part of our RE focus this term on the Hindu faith and Kirtida the priest always welcomes us with a range of activities including drumming, dressing up, listening to some singing and the Puja prayer cerem


This week, in Science, we have looked at the human development from birth to old age. We started the week by looking at the seven stages of development (prenatal, baby, child, adolescent, early adulthood, middle adulthood and old age) and investigated the different way your body and mind develops at


This week in Year 4, we continued to develop and perfect our sewing skills by creating our puppets. The children began by drawing carefully around a template on felt and then used fabric scissors to cut this out. They then repeated this step to create the back of their puppet. The children chose whi


This week Year One were introduced to their new English text – a non-fiction book called ‘Let’s Build a House’. We launched this new book by going outside to collect natural materials. Once the children collected the natural materials, they worked with their partner to build a house. The child


Rowan McCabe, the first door-to-door poet, visited Harlow Green on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd March. Over the course of the two days, all of the children from Year 1 to Year 6 were lucky enough to hear some of his poetry in assembly and then have a class workshop, where Rowan shared some ideas abou


This week the theme in Nursery has been cooking! The children started this week by listening to a story called ‘Jake Bakes a Monster Cake’ and learning two new nursery rhymes called ‘Pat a cake’ & ‘Hot cross bun’. The children then talked about food they like and dislike and why and