This unit, in Design and Technology, we have been looking at different food groups, produce from Brazil and made the final product alfajores. We started the unit by getting the children to look at their food diaries and investigate which food groups they could identify in their diet. We recapped the
This week, 44 children from Years 5 and 6 took to the stage in front of a full house at The Sage to show off the culmination of weeks of dedicated rehearsing for the annual Gateshead School Sports Partnership Dance Festival. The theme this year was Courage and all of them showed just that by simply
This week, we had a special visitor in school. Nurse Wendy, who works at the Queen Elizabeth hospital in Gateshead, visited Reception and Year 1 to talk about what happens if you have to visit the hospital. She reassured the children that there is nothing to worry about if you have to visit the
Today we held our annual Easter egg competition. Once again, the children astounded us with their original and creative ideas. The eggs were displayed around school so that each class could take a tour and look at them. Our Rights Respect Officers had the difficult job of choosing a winner and
Newsletter_Spring 2_2022-2023
Great excitement in our Forest School this week as Oliver’s tree surgeons came in to carry out some routine work. The children were very curious to know who these “orange men” were, so in class Miss Rowe explained why woodland needs active management to ensure that the trees are healthy and safe. We
This week in Nursery the children have focused on farms and new life. They started this week by listening to the story ‘Sleepy Sam’ and talking about which animals live on farms and which farm animal is their favourite. This led to the children creating a pictogram to identify which animal was t
This week in PSHE, we have explored the way of communicating. We started by looking at the different ways people have communicated throughout history and how this has changed to the modern day. Then, we explored the terms ‘secret’ and ‘confidential’ thinking about what they mean and where we have he
In Year 4 this term, we have been learning all about mountain ranges. The children have used Google Earth to locate them in the world, as well as using street view to take a walk around the mountains (which they thoroughly enjoyed!). While exploring Google Earth, the children learnt facts about the
Year One have enjoyed learning to measure this week. We started off by investigating some items that are heavy and some items that are light. Next we used balance scales to compare the weight of two objects. We discovered that when we weighed a heavy object, the balance scale went down whilst a ligh