

Today the children in Nursery had lots of fun following a recipe to make porridge. After it was cooked, some of the children decided to add some strawberry jam or golden syrup to their porridge. Although it tasted delicious, we all agreed that Goldilocks shouldn’t have eaten the 3 bears’ porridg


We have had a fantastic time altogether in Nursery this week for the first time and we are extremely proud of all of the children settling into our routine of daily life. This week we have focused on ‘The Colour Monster’ and ‘The Colour Monster Goes to School’, which led to us talking about


Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about forces in Science. We identified key forces that we encounter during our every day life, such as: friction, air resistance, water resistance, applied force and gravity. After looking at examples of each force, this week we completed an investigati


In music this half term, Year 4 are learning how to play the Ukulele. Mr Langford, from Gateshead Music Service, gave the children a great introduction to the Ukulele this week and also performed some of his own songs which caused a lot of excitement. The children learned all about the history of th


In Maths, Year Two have been learning how to partition numbers. They learned that partition means to split a number into different parts. First, they used a part part whole model to partition numbers into tens and ones. The children used base ten to represent each number. Then, they wrote the number


In Maths this week, Year 3 have been partitioning 2 digit numbers using place value counters and part whole models. They were excellent at partitioning the 2 digit numbers into tens and ones. We then challenged the children by asking them to find a different way to partition the same 2 digit number.


This week Year One had their very first whole class computing lesson.  They were so excited to use the I-pads independently.  Firstly they learnt about different tools such as the paintbrush and how they could use a thick or a thin brush.  Also the pupils had ago at changing the colour of the pai