

This week, in Geography, we started our new unit of ‘Human and physical geography within a region of South America and the UK’. The children started the topic by locating South America on a world map. Once we had located South America, we took a closer look at the countries within it, focusing on Ar


During PSHE lessons, Year 6 have been discussing the importance of mental health and ensuring that they are aware of how to keep mentally healthy and also how to ask for help if they feel that they need it. They have come up with many ways to help promote a healthy mindset and have produced posters


The new year has started brilliantly for Harlow Green’s reading stars in KS2. All of the children have taken a Star Reader test in Accelerated Reader to get a new reading range and they have all been able to select from the new books in the scheme. The children have also continued to use Reading Plu


This week the children in Year 3 have been learning how to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. The children first learnt how to use their known facts so they could work out calculation such as 30 x 5 by using their known fact 3 x 5 = 15. They realised very quickly that they need to use th


This half term in PE, Year Two have been learning gymnastics. They started by exploring different shapes they could make with their bodies, making sure they were stable and balanced. Then they started to work in pairs to match each other. Once they had identified some different body positions they w


Everyone in Year One was excited to start their new topic of Houses and Homes. We started off the week by looking at photos and pictures of different kinds of houses. The children loved showing their class photos of their house and we learnt the names of different kinds of houses – detached, semi-de


This week the children have been on a winter walk and identified the different things they may see in winter i.e. lots of bare trees and frost. They have also discussed what they have to wear in winter to stay warm and the different weathers that happen over winter. The children also discussed how t