This week has seen the Angel of the North celebrate its 25th birthday. As the closest school, we were eager to play a part in the festivities and applied to Gateshead Library and Arts Services to see if there were any projects that we could be involved in. The children in Year 3 have been lucky enou
This week, the Year One children started their Design and Technology block, with a focus on weaving. Our project is to design, make and evaluate a table mat. The week started with conducting some research about table mats. The children were able to look at table mats and say what materials they th
This week we started making our hand puppets as part of our design and technology work. We began reviewing the running stitch, which the children have done previously, then had a go at over stitch, and if really confident, the back stitch. We also have learned about a seam allowance to ensure th
This term in Maths Year Two have been learning about multiplication and division. The children started by identifying equal groups and then writing repeated addition number sentences. After that, the boys and girls used arrays to write repeated addition number sentences, before moving on to using th
During our design and technology lessons this week, the children in Year 3 have been learning about Stone Age food. They have researched how people during the Stone Age were known as ‘hunter gatherers’ and they have created their own menu ideas. To create our Stone Age recipes, the children used
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This half-term, the children in Year 6 have been studying the book ‘Skellig’ by David Almond. They have thoroughly enjoyed the book and have been excited to find out exactly what ‘Skellig’ was and what would happen to the baby in the story. During their studies, it came to light that Leanne Billingh
This week the children have focused on princesses, princes, Valentine’s Day and weddings in Nursery. The children started this week by listening to a story called ‘Guess how much I love you’ and discussing who they love, a special thing they like to do with their loved one and different ways t
In our P.E. session this week, we were visited by Danni form Diddi Dance. Diddi dance runs funky and fun dance community classes and classes in schools for early years children. In each workshop, the children explore different dance styles in a fun way. We had amazing fun taking part in a workshop
In Reception this week we wanted to remind the children about staying safe online as part of ‘Safer Internet Day’. Although the children in Reception are very young, we know that sharing this message early is very important. We reminded the children that at their age they should be supervised by