

In French this half term, Year 5 have been learning all about the date. The children began by singing the days of the week in French to help the tune and lyrics stick in their minds. They then went on to months of the year and also recapped their numbers in order to write the date. Once the children


Everyone was very excited to go on their very first trip in Year One.   The children have been learning all about Christian churches. They have learnt what happens in a church and features of a church both inside and outside. On Wednesday we all walked down to St. Ninian’s church in Low Fell. We


This week, in Computing, we have celebrated Safer Internet Day. We learnt what the day is for and the different way we can support it. As a class we looked at the amazing things the internet can provide us with. However, we also explored the dangers and fear that can come with using the internet. Th


In Art this term, the children in Year 3 initially investigated how art can be used as a form of communication. The children learned about the importance of cave paintings to historians as a way of learning about life in the Stone Age and they explored the materials and tools Stone Age people would


Year 6 have been looking at different styles of portraits in the last couple of weeks. They have talked about how Picasso used a Cubist style, that was abstract and where art is produced from different angles and using geometric shape. they have contrasted this with Realism and the concept of whethe


The week the children have focused on pets in Nursery. The children started this week by finding out what a pet is and listening to two stories called ‘The Perfect Pet’ & ‘Mog and the v.e.t’. This then led to the children discussing what pets they have at home/would like to have and shar


In English, we are loving reading When The Mountains Roared and this week we have been looking at the plight of the endangered snow leopards, so we can write a persuasive letter to the Indian government to ask for their support to help!  It ties in nicely with our Geography topic too on mountains a


This half term, Year Two have been making music using Chrome Music Lab. In their first lesson, they learned about Gustav Holst – a composer who named his music after the planets. The children listened to two pieces of music composed by Holst, but they weren’t told what they were called. As they list