

To launch our new text for English, the children examined some clues: a bone and tooth necklace,  a flint spear head and an image of cave paintings. They predicted that the text related to the Stone Age, and they shared any facts they knew about this period. They then made their own Stone Age neckl


The children in Year 6 have returned to school full of energy and have been working extremely hard in all of their sessions. This week, In P.E. they were pushed tot heir limits in a circuit challenge. The children had 15 different exercises to complete from mountain climbers to burpees and they had


We started our Science topic this week – all about animals and how to classify them into different groups.  We never knew there were so many different categories and had some fantastic debates about what category animals would fit in to, and those that don’t quite fit.  For example, is a penguin a


In English, Year Two have started reading their new book – Into the Forest, by Anthony Browne. First, the children looked at the front cover of the book in more detail. They noticed small pictures among the leaves and trees, including a frog, an apple and a tall tower. Once they had identified each


Year three have had lots of festive fun this week in the run-up to Christmas. We began the week with a reminder of the religious meaning behind Christmas in RE. The children revisited the first Christmas which, of course, is the story of the Nativity. Now that the children are in year three, they we


This week, the children have taken part in lot of different Christmas activities. Firstly, they have created a winter scene on the back of their snowmen decorations. To do this, the children used blue and white paint to make a wash for the background that faded from dark blue to light blue and then


This week, Year 6 have been having lots of Christmas fun as they prepared for Santa at the weekend. They have made cards, calendars and baubles and danced, played games and eaten at their party. It has made them all feel festive and ready for a break after a hard term of work! Article 31: We all hav


As we come to the end of our first term, we would like to take this time to reflect on the attendance successes that we have achieved so far this year. A whopping 191 children received attendance certificates today for achieving the school target of 96% and above of which 74 children achieved 100%!