After writing letters to Santa earlier this month, the children in Reception were very pleased to receive their own personal replies in the post today. We are very happy to find out that Santa enjoyed reading our letters and hopes to visit us soon. Take a look at some of our brilliant letter wri
This week Year One have been learning all about the first ever Christmas. The children listened to the Nativity story and then drew a picture. Some even wrote some sentences to accompany their work. Later we learnt about the traditional Christingle services that take part in Christian churches
This week has been SNOW much fun! The children have decorated their Christmas cards and talked about who they would like to give their card to and were very excited to play in the snow. The children have continued to enjoy writing Christmas cards and letters to others and posting them in our post bo
In PSHE this half term we have been looking at self-esteem, persistence and resilience. We have learned about what self-esteem means, why we need it and how it can be affected by things like bullying, social media, our peers and things we see on the TV. We looked at things we have done in life t
All this term we have been reading “Stone Girl, Bone Girl”, a story about the life of Mary Anning. Everyone has enjoyed listening to her heroic tale and has learnt so much about her life and her amazing discovery. We decided to write newspaper reports about her excavation of an Ichthyosaurus. Firstl
Thank you to all parents and carers who supported us by collecting food donations for the charity Feeding Families. Once again, we are blown away by your generosity. Feeding Families were thrilled with the donations and will be making Christmas hampers to support people in our community. Our Righ
This half term, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about rocks and soils during their Science lessons. The children have identified that there are natural and human-made rocks and they have learnt about the three types of natural rock; igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Investigation
The children in Year 6 have been studying an animation called ‘The Piano.’ This animation has an elderly gentleman playing the piano whilst flashing back to key moments from his life. This week, the children have been doing lots of inference work to think about how the man feels and have been imagin
We headed out into the clear, crisp, frosty morning, first a game of sticky feet. Whenever the leader shouts “Sticky Feet!” the children group together, joining up their feet. Once in the circle we talked about woodland creatures, the children pick an animal and discuss it’s recognisable characteris
In Computing, Year Two have been learning all about photography. To begin, they sorted devices into those which can take photographs and those which can’t. The children quickly realised that these devices can be found all around us – on roads, in buildings and, of course, on phones and tablets. Afte