Keeping children safe is our main role as a school. We aim to work with parents/carers to equip children with the knowledge understanding and skills necessary to make the correct choices in everyday life but also when faced with situations which can make them scared and vulnerable. With this in mind, Harlow Green became a Kidsafe registered school with a trained Kidsafe member of staff – Mrs Cunningham – who is able to provide the effective and consistent approach which will help guide children to develop their understanding of how to be safe.
What is Kidsafe? 
Kidsafe UK is a registered charity (1105179) established and operating in Cumbria, North Lancashire, North Yorkshire and Cheshire delivering training for schools in the delivery of preventative child protection safeguarding programmes for primary school children.
The primary purpose of the Kidsafe is to equip participating children with simple, yet effective skills to keep themselves safe from the various forms of abuse without shattering their innocence. The Children’s programme is delivered in the classroom setting with active participation from class teachers. The course material is always age-appropriate with key messages delivered through the use of a variety of media including song, rhyme and action, puppetry, group discussions and worksheets.
During the programme the children cover a range of topics including: their own feelings (happy/sad), respecting and valuing their own bodies, bullying, computer and internet safety, inappropriate touching and secrets in relation to abuse. Children devise strategies (as a group and as individuals) for keeping themselves safe. Strategies include the confidence and ability to say ‘NO’ to anything that makes them feel uncomfortable, and children identify their own support network of trusted adults that they can turn to if they are scared or worried about anything.
Since January 2003, the full KIDSAFE Child Protection/Safeguarding Programme has been successfully delivered at schools with 1000’s of children directly benefiting from participating in the programme.