A busy term has culminated in a very busy, but positive, couple of weeks. This time is always a lovely period ion school as we have the pleasure of seeing children build towards the feeling of how special Christmas is, in a way only a child can experience. The organisation of Christmas lunch, perf
This week, the children have been posed problems in maths where they have had to find their own method to work towards a solution. Problem solving and having the resilience to keep going even when things aren’t immediately obvious are extremely difficult skills for children to develop. In maths, oft
Learning about digitally manipulated images from both a technical side but also an online safety perspective is more important than ever. In Computing this half term, the children have been learning about how images you see online are often not actually what they originally were! Digital enhanceme
The school choir were delighted to be able to go and perform again this year for the congregation at St Ninians Church. The choir sang a selection of traditional carols and some more upbeat Christmas hits. We invited our friends from Angel Court and Craigielee Care homes to come and join in the fest
This week in Reception, the children have performed ‘The Big, Big Nativity’ show to their grown ups. The nativity explores the birth of Jesus and why some people celebrate Christmas. We had the familiar characters such as, Mary, Joseph, donkey, wisemen, camels and shepherds. The children sang songs
Over the past two weeks, the children have been designing and creating their own bridge based on the design of Newcastle’s Swing Bridge. Firstly, the children spent some time investigating the inventor of the Swing Bridge, William Armstrong and then looked at different types of bridges found acros
The much-loved, children’s book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is coming to Newcastle’s Theatre Royal. Step through the wardrobe into the magic kingdom of Narnia where a world of wonder awaits. Join Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter as they meet new friends, face dangerous foes and learn the less
Gateshead Library have an exciting Christmas workshop on Monday 23rd December. It should be a fun event that gives the opportunity to children to visit the library and also engage in some Christmas crafts. Let’s get creative with Gateshead Libraries Children’s Team this Christmas. Reindeer acorn tr
Today, the children in Year 1 and 2 performed their Christmas show to family members and friends. The school hall looked fantastic with all of the children on stage in their costumes. The show was called the ‘Christmas Recipe’ and the narrators told the story of how to find the right ingredi
This week, the children in Years 3 and 4 enjoyed putting on their performances of Christmas Around The World for their parents, grandparents and carers. They were brilliant! It is so important for the children to have the chance to perform and share their talents and celebrate Christmas with our c