In English lessons this half term, Year Six have been looking at a short animation called ‘The Piano’. The video is of a man playing a tune on a piano and reflecting on the memories in his life. The children enjoyed looking at clues to predict what the man’s memories might have been. They considered
Maths games form a key part of our curriculum in Mathematics and over the last couple of weeks, the children have enjoyed taking part in a number of games based tasks involving their number skills. This term we have looked at systems in patterns – sorting, ordering, arranging and predicting using pa
Our nursery children really enjoyed working on the Sticky Sticks and Sticky Leaves last week, so this week they worked together to decorate a large, wooden, Christmas star, that some of our older children had made in the Forest school. Squishing the pom-poms into the sparkly glue was very satisfying
Barter Town is a block of work that the Year 6 children are taking part in during their Forest School sessions. First in class we set the scene for the next few weeks work. We talked about how traditional rural villages came about and how settlers provided for themselves before they had currency. Th
Working in the dusky cold, the gardening club have worked very hard this half term to prepare for next Spring. They have already planted a thorny hedgerow, a grove of silver birch trees and another of sweet cherry trees, then last night started to put in lots of bulbs. Daffodils, crocuses, bluebells
This term in Science, Year Two have been learning all about what different animals eat. They have then used this information to create simple food chains. First, the children learnt that the arrows on a food chain show the transfer of energy, or who is eaten by who. They discovered that food chains
This week, classes from Reception to 6 have enjoyed an assembly and a classroom workshop with Rachel and Ted from The Dogs Trust. The workshops vary in each year group and support the children in understanding how to be safe around their own dogs, dogs that belong to others and what they should do i
Presentation is extremely important and each week, children across the school are rewarded for their presentation, by achieving a place on the ‘Perfect Presentation’ hall of fame. Throughout school, children work extremely hard to achieve their pen licence. They have to practise their joins and get
Our Fun Day at the Post Office! This week has been so exciting in our reception class! We read The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg, and it was so much fun to see all the different characters he delivered letters to. Inspired by the story, we decided to set up our very own role-play post o
To continue our History topic of Anglo-Saxons, Year 5 took a trip to Jarrow Hall! After arriving, Year 5 were split into two groups. The first group was taken around the functioning farm at Jarrow Hall and looked at animals that would have been used on an Anglo-Saxon farm. Despite the cold, the chil