

The children in Year 1 began their first block of Geography this week.   They learnt that we live in England and that it is part of the United  Kingdom.  They enjoyed looking at a map of the world and then looking at the four countries that make up the United Kingdom.  The children made their o


To pay homage to all those who have fought in wars, both past and present, Nursery took part in a 2-minutes silence at 11am on Monday 11th November. This week, we learnt all about the meaning of Remembrance Day and paid our respects by wearing our poppy’s and taking part in Remembrance themed activi


This half term, the children in Year 3 are learning how to play hockey.  They started by being introduced to some of the main skills – dribbling, passing and stopping the ball. The boys and girls learned how to hold the stick correctly and understand that they can only use the flat side. They star


On Monday and Tuesday, the Year 6 parents attended curriculum workshops. Mr Hollingworth shared a little information about the non-core subjects and how these are planned and taught. This was followed by a presentation of work by the children. They shared a little information about remembrance and s


In DT over the last half term, we have been learning about Viking longships and the features of them that made the Vikings such successful explorers.  This links to our History topic – Vikings – and their lives, journeys and raids. The children have designed a Viking sail and then created a pulley


To mark Armistice Day this year at Harlow Green, the Year 6 children led assemblies for both Key Stage One and Key Stage Two children. In the assemblies, the Year 6 children shared some information about remembrance, read poems and sang  song related to war. At 11 o’clock, the school fell silent