This week in Reception has been a joy! We read the story of Oliver’s Vegetables, discussing which vegetables we like and dislike. The children enjoyed categorising foods into fruits and vegetables, enhancing their understanding in a fun way. The highlight was digging up and washing potatoes from
In RE, we have been exploring Christianity. We have looked at the ten commandments and ranked them from what we thought was the most important to least important. We then went on to learning about the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. We explored the story and looked at the eight beatitudes, learning how t
This week, the Year One children have enjoyed finding out about the four seasons and in particular have investigated what happens in Autumn. The children enjoyed taking part in an Autumn hunt in the school grounds. They found out that not only do deciduous trees shed their leaves in Autumn but the
In RE, Year Two have been learning all about Christian weddings. Did you know, a Christian is someone who believes in Jesus Christ and follows his teachings? To begin, the children learned who is involved in a Christian wedding and that the bride and groom usually get married in a church. They then
This half term, Year Six have been looking at 3D modelling during Computing lessons. The children have been using the Tinkercad programme to use editing skills to manipulate shapes on screen. First, they examined the similarities and differences between working digitally with 2D and 3D graphics. The
This half term, year 3 have been working hard learning a dance to ‘Rather Be’ by Jess Glynn. They have been learning a new street dance style called ‘Tutting’, which involves creating geometric shapes and patterns with their arms and hands. The children have shown great dedication, putting in a lot
Yesterday after school one of our Year 5 and 6 school football teams took part in the Autumn cup qualifier which we hosted here at Harlow Green. We played 2 schools and were unbeaten in both matches. The team played extremely well and gave their all. we scored a goal right at the end of the second
Year 1 got creative this week, Journey Sticks are a lovely way of encouraging the children to observe the changes in nature around them. They can be made at any time of the year and as well as helping the children to develop their fine motor skills give them a lovely memento of their Forest School s
Yesterday Morning our Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletics teams took part in the Gateshead SSP Competition which was held at Gateshead Stadium. Our team was made up with 12 boys and 12 girls and they all worked together as a team to earn points for our school. The competition was split in to 2 sections fi
Barter Town is in full swing now, we begin each session with a review about the previous week, a town meeting if you like. What went well, what needs prioritising, what issues can be worked through. This gives the children time to reflect and to ask other villagers for advice. It has been interestin