

On Tuesday two of our year 5 and 6 rugby teams took part in the Gateshead SSP Tag Rugby competition which was held at Winlaton Rugby club. Both Teams played against other schools and played really well as  a team in every game they have been working really hard in PE and clubs leading up to this ev


For Art, we have been mark making, pencil sketching and shading, and this week moved on to using different pencils and pastels. We started mark making and looking at ways you can shade, mark, pattern and draw with pencils.  This week we have been looking at landscapes using lines and pastel art and


This week Nursery have been thinking about the how we can keep our bodies healthy by the foods we eat. We read the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ which is a story about a body who only wanted to eat chips! We then talked about how some foods are full of sugars and fats and can make our bodies fee


This week, the children finished off their unit in Art by producing river scenes onto cloth using the method of batik.  Last week, the children sketched two designs of river landscapes and then selected their favourite design to replicate onto a piece of cloth. They carefully sketched out their cho


This week in Reception, the parents were invited to a workshop with information about Early Years. The children came along to the workshop and enjoyed sitting with their adult to complete some activities in their new home learning bags. All of the activities in the home learning bags are designed to


This week in Year 1, we have had a visit from KS and Mrs Cunningham. Firstly we discussed different emotions we feel and we freeze framed different emotions on our body. We talked about how we can have yucky feelings when we are scared, sad and worried. KS and Mrs Cunningham told us a story about a


This week, Year 6 were excited to be visited by St John Ambulance to learn some basic information about how to react to an emergency and some simple first aid if they were the first on the scene. The session started by considering the two emergency numbers the children might have to call – 999 and 1


This week in art, year 3 explored various types of printing.  The children first explored how using ink and ink rollers on different items, such as Lego, corrugated card and sand paper, can create different textures. They then moved on to monoprinting which allowed the children to make a print usin