

All of Year One have been enjoying learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali as part of their RE lessons.  They learnt that Diwali is the festival of light and it is celebrated by lighting Diva lamps, giving presents and sweets and enjoying fireworks.  Rangoli patterns are created outside houses


Over the last couple of weeks, the children in Year 6 have been studying the history part of our topic learning about World War Two. To begin with, the children considered the causes of the war, sorting them into long term and short term causes. They were surprised to learn that there were several d


Over the past couple of weeks, the boys and girls in Year 3 have been learning about digital devices. They began by exploring what digital devices are and understand that digital devices accept inputs, follow a process and produce outputs. They then sorted items into digital devices and non digital


This week in Nursery, we have been learning all about the season of Autumn.   We went on an adventure around our school grounds to start looking for signs of Autumn. We started by looking at the trees on our school grounds and we noticed the leaves were all different shapes and sizes, as well a


In PE, Year Two have been practicing their throwing and catching skills. They had to make sure they kept their eyes on the bean bag and always had their hands ready to catch. To begin, the children practiced throwing the bean bag up and catching it with two hands. At first, some of the children were


We were lucky to have two fire officers from Tyne and Wear Fire Service visit today to talk to Year 4 about fire safety in the home and dealing with emergencies. The children learned about the fire triangle and the risks you can find around the house.  Of course we talked about the importance of ha