

This week in Year 5, we moved onto our next topic, and for the next two weeks, we are going to be learning all about rivers. To start off our new topic, the children used atlases to identify and locate the most famous rivers in the world. They were given a blank map with rivers from each continent.


This week Year One had their very first computing lesson.  They were so excited to use the I-pads independently.  Firstly they learnt about different tools such as the paintbrush and how they could use a thick or a thin brush.  Also the pupils had ago at changing the colour of the paint and were


Over the last couple of weeks, the boys and girls have been working hard to understand the place value of 2 and 3 digit numbers.  Firstly, they read and represented 2 digit numbers using base 10 and place value counters. Working in pairs, they then successfully read 3 digit numbers in words and num


The children have all had a fantastic start to Nursery this academic year and are now settling well into our rules and routines. Over the last 2 weeks, the children have been working hard to understand the rules and routines we have in Nursery. We have talked about our three school rules – ready, re


This week, in Mathematics, Year Two have been partitioning two-digit numbers. They found out that partitioning means to split a number into smaller parts. First, the children used base ten apparatus to partition numbers into tens and ones using a part-whole model. They had to think carefully about w


Our History topic this term is all about the Vikings! We started with looking at where they invaded from, when and how and also why!  We have enjoyed looking at how many places around where we live and across the UK have names that date back to Viking times.  Over the term we will study how they f


This term in Science, Year Six are studying electricity. This week, the children have been drawing circuit symbols and working circuits.  It was important to remember to use a pencil and a ruler to draw the wires. The children constructed circuits using wires, bulbs, buzzers and batteries.  Everyo


This week, the children in Year 5 were introduced to their new English class read, ‘Beowulf’. During our book launch, the children went outside to investigate clues that had been left around to try and work out what our new book could be. The children found some old Viking letters  various Viki