Nursery have been learning all about modes of transport this week. We have learnt that a mode of transport is the way in which people and/or goods can be moved from A to B. We enjoyed watching a Hey Duggee song, from CBeebies, all about different types of transport and recalling transport we had b
In History, Year Two have been learning all about King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth II. They explored their family trees and identified the similarities and differences between the two monarchs. To begin, the children learned about the family of Henry VIII. They were fascinated to learn that Henry
This week in Reception, the children have been learning about people who help us. After reading, ‘When We Grow Up’ by Melanie Walsh, the children thought about the people in their community who help them, for example, dentists, doctors, shop assistants and postal workers. They also had the oppor
This week, the children in Year 5 have been writing sentence stackers in preparation for their next piece of writing. Today, the children were introduced to the language feature similes. The children learnt that similes compare something to something else using the words ‘as’ or ‘like’. After iden
Year 4 enjoyed a fantastic opportunity to visit Wates’ construction site in Washington, where they are building a huge new car battery factory. The purpose of the trip was to learn about careers in construction. Although the site was enormous, all the staff and workers they met made them feel really
For the past two weeks, the Year One children have completed their Design and Technology block, with a focus on weaving. Our project is to design, make and evaluate a table mat. The week started with conducting some research about table mats. The children were able to look at table mats and say what
As part of the lead up to the Big School Birdwatch we have been learning about British birds of prey. Understanding how they hunt and what they prey on helps the children to understand these birds. In class we looked at the different types of birds and then what kind of animals they prey on. Underst
Bubble Trouble by Margaret Mahy and Polly Dunbar is the book we have been enjoying with the residents at Angel Court. Working with creative story teller Elizabeth, the children and residents have been adding to the story using themselves as additional characters. Trying to rhyme with names can be
This half term, Year Six have been studying the Circulatory System as part of their Science unit of work. The children have learned about how blood travels around the body in order to transport Oxygen to keep us alive. They have studied the different blood vessels and written the journey of a red bl
This week, we learnt about the Chinese Lunar New Year festival, a vibrant celebration filled with rich traditions and fun activities. Our journey began with exploring authentic Chinese cuisine; we had the delightful experience of eating noodles, spring rolls, prawn crackers, and fortune cookies usin