

This term, in Computing, Year Two have been learning how to make music using a computer. First, the children learnt about the work of Gustav Holst, who composed music about the different planets of the solar system. The boys and girls listened carefully to the different pieces of music and identifie


As part of the topic, ‘How Precious Life is..’ the Year 6 children have been learning about the history of coal and how important it was to the local area. To begin with, the children learnt about the significance of the coal mines in the North East. They considered what coal was used for as wel


Year One have been so excited to use laptops this term. It all started with the children learning the different parts of a laptop computer and a desktop computer – screen, keyboard, trackpad/mouse. Then the children were taught how to log onto a laptop computer, and then onto Purple Mash. Next, we


Encouraging children to read and seeing them become fluent readers, is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher. The world that opens up when you can read – for enjoyment, pleasure, or to find information for a purpose – is one with endless possibilities. IN school, we use Reading Plus a


In PSE, Year 3 have been learning about physical, mental and emotional health. They began by discussing their answers to the question, ‘What is the most important part of you?’ The children quickly realised that it was difficult to name only one part and there are many aspects of themselves that are


In our book this term, we learn all about Ruby and her family and when they emigrate from Australia to India to start a new life running a hotel high up in the mountains. The children always really enjoy this book and we have been writing newspaper reports all about Ruby’s trip and her experience op


This Thursday, Harlow Green’s ‘Green Machine’ took part in a regional VEX IQ Robotics tournament. Our team of seven children from year six and year five, demonstrated their skills in engineering, teamwork, cooperation and perseverance, alongside eighteen other teams from schools across the North Eas


This week Nursery have been learning about the festival of Lunar New Year. We have enjoyed learning all about the lunar festival and how it is celebrated around the world. We had lots of fun taking part in different crafts and activities within the classroom such as; making red lanterns with out sci


This week Nursery have been on an adventure to Space! We have continued our topic for the Spring Term, Rhyme Time, and have been on a trip to space. We have enjoyed learning all about different planets, aliens and rockets. We looked at a variety of images of rockets and noticed that they are all mad