

Today we celebrated the end of the Autumn term with our Nursery Christmas party. The children enjoyed our party day today. We spent time with Year 3 sharing Christmas stories and we watched our Nativity performance with them too. We then when to play lots of games in the hall such as musical statues


This week has been full of festive fun for Year 6 – their final Christmas at primary school! The children have had a great week this week celebrating Christmas together. They all enjoyed dressing up for their party and it was lovely to see their excitement playing party games like musical statues an


During our Design and Technology lessons, the boys and girls in Year 3 were given a brief of designing a Christmas decoration strong enough to hold an object. They began by learning about a tale from many years ago which some people believe started the tradition of hanging up stockings on Christmas


This term in Computing, Year Two have been learning all about photography. First, the children sorted devices into those which can take a photograph and those which cannot. They then shared their own experiences of taking photographs using different devices. Next, the boys and girls learnt the steps


This week we all of the children in Year 1 have been enjoying a range of Christmas activities.  They had great fun at their Christmas party, playing traditional games such as pass the parcel, musical statues and Christmas corners.  In addition, they enjoyed eating party food and watching an online


This week, Year Two have been learning all about Advent, a time when Christians prepare for the birth of Jesus. Did you know the word Advent (Adventus) means the arrival of something important? The children found out that Advent marks the start of the Christian year and it begins on the Sunday close


Today we had a great time at our party with a lot of dancing, party games and prizes! The children had a great dance today, enjoyed Goldilocks panto in the classroom and wrote some exciting stories about a mystery Christmas gift….. Pass the parcel and of course the bauble and spoon race annual tra


For our Christmas RE focus, Year 5 have been looking at almsgiving.  Traditionally, almsgiving is usually linked with lent. However, in Year 5, we have learnt that almsgiving can be done anytime, as it simply means to help someone who is in need. Firstly,  the children thought about all the things


What a fantastically festive week Year 5 have had, in the lead up to Christmas. We have made calendars, cards and baubles, watched a Christmas movie and even a pantomime. However, our favourite part of the week had to be our Christmas party. The children were full of festive cheer (and competitive s