On Wednesday evening, 46 brave children from Years 5 and 6 took part in the Gateshead School Sports Partnership Dance Festival at The Glasshouse International Centre for Music (The Sage) in Gateshead. This is a huge annual event in Gateshead with hundreds of children taking part across 5 events over
In Reception this week, we have been learning about Mothering Sunday, the Christian celebration that follows the end of lent. The children listened to the story ‘My Mum Is Fantastic’ by Nick Butterworth and we spoke about our mums or mother figures. As a class, we discussed different reasons why
To share all the news and events that happen at Harlow Green Community Primary School, the Year 6 HG News team report weekly. The aim is to build confidence and a range of skills which can be applied in a variety of ways. This opportunity also gives an insight into the potential of becoming a jour
In Reception class, we embark on an exciting journey of exploration through our ‘Plan, Do, Review’ process. During our sessions, we express our preferences by writing down where we would like to play. This method allows our teachers to support us in following our interests, extending our learning an
Red Nose Day is a fundraising event run by Comic Relief which aims to create a world free of poverty. The money raised is used to transform lives in the UK and around the world. As a school we believe that raising money for charity is a way of promoting a positive, caring attitude amongst our childr
In Reception this week, we have been learning about the Hindu festival, Holi. The children learned that Holi celebrates the beginning of spring. Some Hindus celebrate by planting and growing flowers, making traditional Indian sweets and joining in with the celebration of throwing colourful powders a
This week in Reception Class, we joyfully celebrated Shrove Tuesday, a delightful tradition that marks the beginning of Lent. To enhance our understanding of this special day, we read the story, Mr Wolf’s Pancakes. This engaging tale captivated the children’s imaginations and sparked their enthusia
World Book Day is an annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading. It encourages children and families to find the fun and enjoyment in reading because reading for pleasure changes lives. At Harlow Green, World Book Day is one of the highlights of the academic year. Ch
This week, we have celebrated world Book Day in school. Part of this celebration, was about looking at new books that the children might like and the teachers being able to offer some advice about authors and the latest books in the shops. With money from their sponsored read, the children are going
In Reception this week, we have taken a trip to the continent of Africa. The children have learned about some different countries in Africa, such as Kenya and Tanzania. In the classroom, the children enjoyed the various activities that simulated aspects of Africa, for example, an African hut in the