Year 1


This week, the children in Year 1 have been completing artwork based on the work of Keith Haring. Over the past two weeks, Year 1 have been learning about Keith Haring, who is a contemporary artist. The children started their unit of work by looking at some of his work and we realised that he always


Year One had a fantastic time at Beamish today and luckily, the weather was gloriously sunny. The children were thrilled to be going on a coach and after an immensely exciting  bus journey,  we arrived at Beamish. We tried to visit as many places at Beamish as possible. Firstly the children visite


Red Nose Day is a fundraising event run by Comic Relief which aims to create a world free of poverty. The money raised is used to transform lives in the UK and around the world. As a school we believe that raising money for charity is a way of promoting a positive, caring attitude amongst our childr


In PE the boys and girls have been developing their ball and racket skills.  To begin, they worked with a partner to roll a small ball, taking care to bend their legs and trying not to let the ball bounce.  They also practiced their throwing and catching skills, using an under arm motion and tryin


This week the children in Year 1 have started to explore The Ugly Duckling written by Jackie Walter and Sarah Horne.  To begin, the children used feathers and other collage materials to create pictures of Mother Duck and the Ugly Duckling.  Next, they predicted what would hatch out of the final eg