To share all the news and events that happen at Harlow Green Community Primary School, the Year 6 HG News team report weekly. The aim is to build confidence and a range of skills which can be applied in a variety of ways. This opportunity also gives an insight into the potential of becoming a jour
The children in class 2A have enjoyed coming to Art Club after school. They have had lots of fun creating their own teddy bear pictures using lines of different lengths. Additionally, they thought about Chinese New Year and created Chinese snakes and red money purses. In their History lessons,
In DT, Year Two have designed and made a healthy sandwich. They learned about an Incredible Inventor called Ruth Wakefield, who invented the chocolate chip cookie. For their research, the children compared a cheese salad sandwich and a Nutella sandwich. In order to determine which was healthier, the
Over three days this week, the children across the whole school were spell-bound as they were visited by the illustrator and author Liz Million. Liz writes, illustrates and publishes her own books as well as illustrating for other authors and working in schools. She talked to the children about her
This term as part of their Humans and other Animals unit in Science, Year Two have been learning all about how to keep themselves healthy. First, the children found out about how humans change as they grow. The boys and girls were able to identify lots of ways they have changed since they were babie
Harlow Green Celebrates Safer Internet Day 2025 On Tuesday, 11th February, Harlow Green Primary School joined thousands of schools across the country in celebrating Safer Internet Day 2025. This year’s theme, ‘Too Good to be True’, encouraged our children to think critically about what they se
In History, Year Two have been learning all about King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth II. They explored their family trees and identified the similarities and differences between the two monarchs. To begin, the children learned about the family of Henry VIII. They were fascinated to learn that Henry
As part of the lead up to the Big School Birdwatch we have been learning about British birds of prey. Understanding how they hunt and what they prey on helps the children to understand these birds. In class we looked at the different types of birds and then what kind of animals they prey on. Underst
This term, in Computing, Year Two have been learning how to make music using a computer. First, the children learnt about the work of Gustav Holst, who composed music about the different planets of the solar system. The boys and girls listened carefully to the different pieces of music and identifie
Sharing success is important at Harlow Green. However, we do not give out lots of prizes as the important aspect is for recognition to be shared genuinely and personally. This is done throughout school regularly and in many ways by all staff; this can range from conversations in corridors, to ce