Year 2


In Geography, Year Two have been learning all about life in rural Uganda. They have compared their lives to children living in this part of world, identifying similarities and differences at home and in school. To begin, the children learned about rural and urban areas. They sorted pictures to show


This term in PE, Year Two have been learning gymnastics. First, the children learnt how to show a quality standing position, with their feet together and their arms by their sides. They used this as the way to start their gymnastics sequences. Next, the boys and girls practised some different steppi


In English, Year Two have started to read their new class text – Hansel and Gretel. For their book launch, the children made a gingerbread house. They painted half a paper plate brown before adding more detail to their work. The children were given a door, windows and chimney to ensure their cottage


This term in our Forest School we will be taking part in the RSPB Big School Birdwatch. All classes will be involved in this in some way. This week we revisited how we identify birds. Below you can see some of the Year 2 children playing a bird identification game, this helps with their observation


This term, children form Year Two have been taking part in LEGO club. Each week they explored a different challenge using LEGO. First, the boys and girls made marble mazes. They used different sized bricks to build up their maze and tested them. Once they had made a simple maze, they then tried to m


This term in Computing, Year Two have been learning all about photography. First, the children sorted devices into those which can take a photograph and those which cannot. They then shared their own experiences of taking photographs using different devices. Next, the boys and girls learnt the steps