Year 4


This week, the children in Years 3 and 4 enjoyed putting on their performances of Christmas Around The World for their parents, grandparents and carers. They were brilliant!  It is so important for the children to have the chance to perform and share their talents and celebrate Christmas with our c


In Geography, we have enjoyed learning about climate zones and starting learning more about the different counties within Europe. It has inspired us to travel and explore more, identify where some of us have been on holiday, where some of our family lives and decide whether we like the weather we ha


This half term, a group of Year 4 children have enjoyed attending games club. Each week, the children were able to choose a games to play or complete a puzzle. The favourite game, which was played every week, was UNO. All of the children and Mrs Jennings became more strategic when playing the game a


Our Christmas celebrations have officially begun in  school.  Yesterday, we all enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch of roast turkey, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, carrots, sprouts, peas, stuffing, chipolatas and gravy, followed by a Christmas biscuit or cake.  The tables were decorated and the


Maths games form a key part of our curriculum in Mathematics and over the last couple of weeks, the children have enjoyed taking part in a number of games based tasks involving their number skills. This term we have looked at systems in patterns – sorting, ordering, arranging and predicting using pa


In PE this half term we have enjoyed two sports….one being Boccia (an inclusive version of bowls) and we have just started golf! We have been using all of our crazy golf seaside experience to start to perfect our golfing stance, the correct ways to hold the clubs and then how hard or gently to str


In DT over the last half term, we have been learning about Viking longships and the features of them that made the Vikings such successful explorers.  This links to our History topic – Vikings – and their lives, journeys and raids. The children have designed a Viking sail and then created a pulley