Year 5


This week, the children in Year 5 have been completing artwork based on a piece by John Dyer. Over the past two weeks, Year 5 have been learning about John Dyer, who is a contemporary artist. The children started their unit of work by looking at some of his artwork and deciding on a favourite piece.


Last week ,  our Year 5 and 6 Netball team  took part in the Gateshead Finals which was held at  Gateshead Stadium.  The team had to win a competition just to qualify for this event which was already a fantastic achievement. 10 Schools made the finals and we  were in a group of 5 and had to fin


This week, the children in Year 5 have been writing sentence stackers in preparation for their next piece of writing.  Today, the children were introduced to the language feature similes. The children learnt that similes compare something to something else using the words ‘as’ or ‘like’. After iden


Encouraging children to read and seeing them become fluent readers, is one of the most rewarding aspects of being a teacher. The world that opens up when you can read – for enjoyment, pleasure, or to find information for a purpose – is one with endless possibilities. IN school, we use Reading Plus a


On Tuesday, Year 5 took part in World Religion Day.  Across the day, the children in Year 5 learnt about Sikhism. We started our day looking at the Ten Guru’s of Sikhism, focusing more closely on Guru Nanak. The children learnt about the story of Guru Nanak and the Boulder. This story teaches an im