Year 5


Our Christmas celebrations have officially begun in  school.  Yesterday, we all enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch of roast turkey, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, carrots, sprouts, peas, stuffing, chipolatas and gravy, followed by a Christmas biscuit or cake.  The tables were decorated and the


Yesterday Afternoon 10 of our Year 5 and 6 children too part in the Gateshead Panathlon Challenge which was held at Gateshead College.  8 Schools took part and  we had  to take part in all the challenges some of the challenges involved throwing, running, jumping and reaction games. Our Children d


To continue our History topic of Anglo-Saxons, Year 5 took a trip to Jarrow Hall! After arriving, Year 5 were split into two groups. The first group was taken around the functioning farm at Jarrow Hall and looked at animals that would have been used on an Anglo-Saxon farm. Despite the cold, the chil


On Thursday, Year 5 had the amazing opportunity to participate in a workshop centred around designing a temporary shelter for homeless people. To start the day, Year 5 met the team they would be working with throughout the day and heard an important story of someone who had been homeless to get a fe


Last week some of our KS2 children got the opportunity to go to Sunderland Bowling Alley and play some games of Bowling. The children did really well and some even manged a few strikes! All children who took part received a participation medal to bring back to school. Well done everyone you all repr


This week in Computing, the children have been creating vector drawing using computer software. Vector drawings are drawings made on a computer using lines and shapes. We looked at some examples of vector drawings as a class and how these skills could lead into a career as a graphic designer.  We w