Year 5


Yesterday Morning our Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletics teams took part in the Gateshead SSP Competition which was held at Gateshead Stadium. Our team was made up with 12 boys and 12 girls and they all worked together as a team to earn points for our school. The competition was split in to 2 sections fi


On Tuesday two of our year 5 and 6 rugby teams took part in the Gateshead SSP Tag Rugby competition which was held at Winlaton Rugby club. Both Teams played against other schools and played really well as  a team in every game they have been working really hard in PE and clubs leading up to this ev


This week, the children finished off their unit in Art by producing river scenes onto cloth using the method of batik.  Last week, the children sketched two designs of river landscapes and then selected their favourite design to replicate onto a piece of cloth. They carefully sketched out their cho


This week, we have been learning about harmful substances. The children started by having to decide which substance was the odd one out and give a reason why. They were fascinated to learn that they was drugs in energy drinks, coffee and tea. We then discussed the dangers of smoking, vaping and alco


This week, the children in Year 5 were introduced to a new art concept called ‘batik’.  The children completed a reading exercise to find out more information about batik, including how long it has been used for and what countries it originated from. Then, we moved on to investigating how different