On Wednesday evening, 46 brave children from Years 5 and 6 took part in the Gateshead School Sports Partnership Dance Festival at The Glasshouse International Centre for Music (The Sage) in Gateshead. This is a huge annual event in Gateshead with hundreds of children taking part across 5 events over
To share all the news and events that happen at Harlow Green Community Primary School, the Year 6 HG News team report weekly. The aim is to build confidence and a range of skills which can be applied in a variety of ways. This opportunity also gives an insight into the potential of becoming a jour
This week the children in Year 6 completed some maths work related to volume. To begin with, the children generated and learnt a definition for volume, ‘The amount of space a 3D shape takes up’. For the first lesson, the children enjoyed making 3D shapes with multilink and then finding their vol
Last week, one of our Year 5/6 Football teams began the league campaign and were on the hunt to try and retain the trophy for the third time in four years. There were two games to start us off. The first game was a very close affair against Larkspur with both teams pushing to get the win. The only g
Red Nose Day is a fundraising event run by Comic Relief which aims to create a world free of poverty. The money raised is used to transform lives in the UK and around the world. As a school we believe that raising money for charity is a way of promoting a positive, caring attitude amongst our childr
This week, Year 6 have been putting their culinary skills to the test as they have made vegetable pasties in the air fryers. There was great excitement in both Year 6 classrooms as the children were given the chance to peel, chop, slice and dice a range of vegetables to create their own pasty. Durin
It’s a forest….where nothing’s as it seems! This week, the children had the amazing opportunity to enjoy an opera – The Vanishing Forest – written specifically for primary children based around the characters from Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. The English Touring Opera were visiting the N
In RE this week, the Year 6 children have been learning about the importance of Moses and The Passover festival to people of the Jewish faith. The children enjoyed listening to the story of the Passover and were particularly interested in the ten plagues. They then created a storyboard which reflect
Last week one of our year 5/6 Football teams took part in the cup finals which was held at Harlow Green. We qualified for the finals just before half term by winning our group. Four schools made it through to the finals night and we would play everyone. The team played exceptionally well in every ga
World Book Day is an annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books and the joy of reading. It encourages children and families to find the fun and enjoyment in reading because reading for pleasure changes lives. At Harlow Green, World Book Day is one of the highlights of the academic year. Ch