

After reading ‘The Little Red Hen’, the Nursery children have been making their own bread rolls. They used their  fingers to kneed and stretch the dough before leaving it to rise.  The children were very excited to taste their bread when it was baked.


The children love to visit the playground to play with the equipment.  They have been developing their gross motor skills by riding the balance bikes and scooters and pedalling the trikes.  They have also been climbing and balancing  on the play frame.


This week, Nursery have been learning about Autumn.  The children enjoyed going on an Autumn walk in the school grounds.  They collected lots of Autumn treasure  which they have used to create pictures with, count and talk about.  On our walk, we also collected some tomatoes to eat that were gro


Last spring, the Nursery children planted lots of vegetable seeds in our vegetable patch.  This week the Nursery children have been very excited to dig them up.  We found lots of delicious vegetables that we are going to use to make soup.


The children enjoyed peeling and chopping vegetables from the garden to make vegetable soup this week.  They learnt how to use the potato peeler to carefully peel the carrots and potatoes and they helped to peel the onions.  They then ate the soup at snack time with some delicious crusty bread.


We have been singing the rhyme ‘ Ten in the Bed’.  The children have been counting teddies onto the ten frames and have enjoyed doing some footprint painting and collage for our ‘ Ten in the Bed’ display.


The Nursery children enjoyed working with children from year 6 this week.  The year 6 children had planned some lovely activities including potion making and bracket making.  The Nursery children had a great time completing these activities and it was great to see our youngest and oldest  childre


The children have enjoyed sharing the chatter sacks with an adult this week.  Each sack contains a fiction and non fiction book,  vocabulary cards to discuss and a toy or game to play. Look at the children having fun with our crocodiles, football and mini beasts chatter sacks.


This week the Nursey children have been using the ‘magic hat’ during planning and review time.  They have been trying hard to recognise their own name card when picked out of the hat and then explaining to the group what they plan to do.


This week, our new children have been getting to know the Nursery routines and make new friends.  With the help of our returning Nursery children, they have been enjoying playing with the resources on offer and settling in.