Archive 2018-19


This week Year One had to use picture clues of a brick, wheelbarrow, a hard hat and a trowel to work out the title of their new book for English lessons  – “Let’s Build a House”.  Then they had to follow instructions to build their own house.


To launch their new English novel,  the boys in girls in Year 3 have worked in groups to construct their own version of The Iron Man. The children have not read the story so they used clues from pictures and the text to predict what he looked like. They worked really hard to create their models whi


As the chocolate eggs in shops will be an indication of, we are now in the run-up to Easter.  Today, Reverend Mark came into school to talk to the children about the religious lead up to this special time of year for Christians. Through Reverend Mark’s assembly, the children learned about Shrove Tu


On Tuesday, year 4 enjoyed a fantastic visit to the ISKON Hindu temple in Newcastle. They listened to songs about the different Hindu gods and goddesses and learnt about traditional Indian musical instruments. The loved dressing up in traditional Indian saris and turbans, having their hands painted


In Art, Year 6 children have been learning about the Cubist art movement and how Gutav Klimt used repeating geometric patterns in his work. For their final piece, the children produced a background using collage techniques and a portrait in the Cubist style.


The children in Reception have been learning about road safety today. They learnt how to cross the road safely and what to do when walking near a road. They even got to dress up! We said a little rhyme to help us ‘Stop, look and listen before we cross the street’.